cultural mechanisms

Performance Management: Enabling and Empowering Your Team to Do Their Jobs Right

Today, I want to talk about performance enablement and empowerment, though traditionally the conversation would be around performance management. I believe we need to stop managing performance because just from the definition of management, which is about “controlling and making decisions”, we are hindering our efforts to maximize performance. So, instead, think about performance enablement [...]

Performance Management: Enabling and Empowering Your Team to Do Their Jobs Right2021-02-04T22:14:18+00:00

Orientation and Onboarding: Your Sink-or-Swim Strategy Is a Terrible Waste of Talent – Part 2

In the last blog, we discussed how to make a new employee's orientation, or their first 1 or 2 days on the new job, an effective and memorable experience. In this blog, we are going to talk about what happens over the next 30-60 days as the new employees are handed over to their departments. [...]

Orientation and Onboarding: Your Sink-or-Swim Strategy Is a Terrible Waste of Talent – Part 22021-02-04T22:02:52+00:00

Orientation and Onboarding: Your Sink-or-Swim Strategy Is a Terrible Waste of Talent

In today’s blog, let’s consider the orientation process. I see organizations investing heavily in getting the right people hired, but then failing to introduce, immerse, and train them correctly to support the talent’s future success. Many companies or departments adopt a sink-or-swim strategy, whereby they throw new people onto the front line – if they [...]

Orientation and Onboarding: Your Sink-or-Swim Strategy Is a Terrible Waste of Talent2021-02-04T21:53:29+00:00

Selection: The Right Fit Over a Warm Body

In Culture Hacker, we focus on elevating the employee experience and improving engagement. While everyone seems to focus on improving engagement, we believe in taking a broader perspective – one that takes into consideration that a part of the engagement problem is the inability to select the right people. As thought leader Bob Kelleher says, [...]

Selection: The Right Fit Over a Warm Body2021-02-04T21:39:26+00:00

Values: Not Some Philosophical B.S.

"Culture is a consequence of a company's values." – Charles Day, Founder of Looking Glass   Let’s discuss your organizational values, which I believe are the foundation of your company culture. While values are often dismissed as some philosophical B.S., they may be the single most important cultural mechanism within a company. Why are they [...]

Values: Not Some Philosophical B.S.2021-02-04T21:52:43+00:00

Culture: More Than Just an HR Thing

“Company culture shapes every minute of the workday and every decision that is made.” – Taylor Smith, CEO & Cofounder of Blueboard   Welcome to the Culture Hacker Blog Series where I help organizations to reprogram their employee experiences for improved organizational culture. So, what is culture? I consider it the collective mindset and attitude [...]

Culture: More Than Just an HR Thing2021-02-04T21:50:59+00:00

Change: It’s Not Just Something Everyone Else Does

Welcome to the final edition of the Culture Hacker blog series. We have covered all the mechanisms and ideas that help managers to become successful Culture Hackers and leaders as they reprogram company code and employee engagement. In this final blog, and as we get started on our 2017, let’s highlight one important element that [...]

Change: It’s Not Just Something Everyone Else Does2017-01-12T17:01:33+00:00

Leadership – How Managers Really Inspire Their People to Want

Welcome back to the Culture Hacker blog series on how to reprogram the company code and employee engagement. Please catch up on my previous blogs, because they introduce, discuss, and provide insights into how to refresh and evolve a culture by looking at the different mechanisms that impact the mindset and attitude of the staff. [...]

Leadership – How Managers Really Inspire Their People to Want2016-10-27T04:43:01+00:00

Career Development: It’s at the Heart of Employee Commitment

Welcome back to the Culture Hacker series. It is time to talk about career development. This topic is on every employee’s mind, no matter what you might think, but unfortunately, it does not seem to be as important to many employers. Let’s start by thinking about what career development means. In the 2010 book Employee Training and [...]

Career Development: It’s at the Heart of Employee Commitment2020-08-26T21:37:18+00:00

Meetings – Reimagine Them or Remove Them From the Schedule

Welcome back, and thanks for checking out my latest blog in the Culture Hacker series. This is a continuing conversation from my last blog about communication. Communication is essential in defining a company’s culture by socializing the team with the right messages. Today, let’s discuss an important communication tool that is unfortunately rendered ineffective too often, [...]

Meetings – Reimagine Them or Remove Them From the Schedule2016-08-18T19:18:37+00:00
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