Shane Green

About Shane Green

Organizational and Corporate Culture Coach and Speaker A world-renowned keynote speaker, author of Culture Hacker, and television personality, Shane Green is a business magnate who consults global Fortune 500 leaders on customer experience and organizational culture. Shane draws upon his foundation at The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company and his work in multiple industries to transform your employees’ mindsets, experience, and habits to improve the customer experience, employee retention, and organizational performance.

Employee Experience Strategy: Four Key Moments That Impact Your Remote Workers

As originally published in Forbes here. We have been reviewing key moments in the employee’s journey in a series of articles to help guide employee experience strategy and develop a positive, productive culture. Any EX strategy today must consider remote or virtual workers. We have been talking to and surveying remote workers and have identified [...]

Employee Experience Strategy: Four Key Moments That Impact Your Remote Workers2021-12-17T19:41:57+00:00

Employee Experience Strategy: Seven Key Moments When Employees Know Their Wellbeing Is A Priority

As originally published in Forbes here. Since writing about the three M’s of employee experience strategy, I have been frequently asked about the key moments in the employee experience that managers and organizations need to focus on and apply emotional intent to. As organizations bring employees back to work and/or look at ways to elevate [...]

Employee Experience Strategy: Seven Key Moments When Employees Know Their Wellbeing Is A Priority2021-12-17T19:40:27+00:00

Employee Experience Strategy: Five Key Moments That Define Whether A Manager Cares

As originally published in Forbes here. We are continuing our series around the three M’s of employee experience strategy that highlight the key moments in the employee experience that managers and organizations need to focus on and apply emotional intent to. Whenever I am brought into an organization to help elevate performance, improve specific results [...]

Employee Experience Strategy: Five Key Moments That Define Whether A Manager Cares2021-12-17T19:38:48+00:00

Employee Experience Strategy: Six Key Moments When It Comes To Engaging Your Team

As originally published in Forbes here. Employee experience is top of mind right now — and rightly so if you want a productive, performance-driven and profitable company. We are continuing our series of articles on the three M’s of EX strategy with a conversation about engagement. Employee engagement is an employee’s interest and involvement in [...]

Employee Experience Strategy: Six Key Moments When It Comes To Engaging Your Team2021-12-17T19:37:00+00:00

Employee Experience Strategy: Four Key Moments When It Comes To Communication

As originally published in Forbes here. As part of my series around the three M’s of employee experience strategy, I have covered the key moments in an employee’s day, the recruitment process, their first 60 to 90 days on the job and performance evaluation. Now, I want to explore four key moments employees experience when [...]

Employee Experience Strategy: Four Key Moments When It Comes To Communication2021-12-17T19:34:37+00:00

Employee Experience Strategy: Seven Key Moments When It Comes To Performance

As originally published in Forbes here. Since writing "The Three M's Needed For A Comprehensive Employee Experience Strategy," I have been frequently asked about the key moments in the employee experience that managers and organizations need to focus on and apply emotional intent to. In previous articles, I have focused on the key moments in [...]

Employee Experience Strategy: Seven Key Moments When It Comes To Performance2021-12-17T19:31:15+00:00

Why Instructor-Led Training Is Indispensable To Elevate Individual And Organizational Performance

As originally published in Forbes here. As organizations continue to focus on innovative ways to implement and enhance digital learning, especially now in the wake of COVID-19, it's fair to wonder if instructor-led training (ILT) will come back any time soon. For years, learning experts predicted that live learning would eventually disappear, but the reality [...]

Why Instructor-Led Training Is Indispensable To Elevate Individual And Organizational Performance2020-06-02T15:09:24+00:00

Why Learning And Development And The Gig Economy Are A Perfect Partnership

As originally published in Forbes here. According to Gallup, 36% of U.S. workers (freelance or independent) engage in the gig economy (also called the liquid or alternate workforce) for a primary wage or to supplement their current income. There is no doubt this number will continue to rise as millennials and Gen Z workers demonstrate [...]

Why Learning And Development And The Gig Economy Are A Perfect Partnership2020-06-02T15:08:33+00:00

The Five C’s of Virtual Leadership

The Five C’s of Virtual LeadershipRight now, many managers and their employees are adjusting to a virtual employee experience, working at their homes, isolated from the current virus. While the virus has quickly shifted many of us into what hopefully is a temporary arrangement, the idea of workers being more dispersed and remote, connected via [...]

The Five C’s of Virtual Leadership2020-03-26T09:35:19+00:00

How To Build A Learning Organization For The Coming Decade

As originally published in Forbes here. Our team is often asked to assist with designing and delivering training, so we get to inspect a lot of learning and development operations, processes and deliverables. When we are engaged, we make two fundamental statements about the L&D within an organization. First, there must be a L&D strategy. [...]

How To Build A Learning Organization For The Coming Decade2020-06-02T15:07:43+00:00
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