The Millennial Manager: The Present and the Future

We have all read and heard abut the challenges that Millennials present the business world today. While I have experienced and recognized some of those challenges firsthand, I think we need to stop making such a big deal about them. This new workforce knows it has leverage, because we keep writing and speaking about it. [...]

The Millennial Manager: The Present and the Future2016-12-08T16:44:10+00:00

Career Development: It’s at the Heart of Employee Commitment

Welcome back to the Culture Hacker series. It is time to talk about career development. This topic is on every employee’s mind, no matter what you might think, but unfortunately, it does not seem to be as important to many employers. Let’s start by thinking about what career development means. In the 2010 book Employee Training and [...]

Career Development: It’s at the Heart of Employee Commitment2020-08-26T21:37:18+00:00

Why a Sink or Swim Onboarding Strategy Is a Waste of Talent – Part 2

Welcome back to the fifth blog in our Culture Hacker series. This blog continues the discussion about onboarding. By doing a better job in the first 60 days of a new employee’s career with you, you can stop wasting your investment in new people and their talent by keeping them longer. Last time we focused on day one – the [...]

Why a Sink or Swim Onboarding Strategy Is a Waste of Talent – Part 22016-04-13T18:12:28+00:00
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