Sexual Harassment Is Not Going Away as Long as Those at the Top Maintain Their “Mad Men” Attitude

There has been a lot of commentaries recently on sexual harassment in the workplace. Whether it is the focus on Silicon Valley tech companies, accusations around Hollywood, issues in the hospitality industry, or revelations at the White House, it seems every organization’s culture needs to reconsider how it creates a respectful and safe environment, not [...]

Sexual Harassment Is Not Going Away as Long as Those at the Top Maintain Their “Mad Men” Attitude2019-02-14T15:32:24+00:00

The 4 C’s that Should Define your Human Resource Department

Since publishing my new book, Culture Hacker, a couple of months ago, I have had some great conversations and brainstorming sessions with Human Resource leaders and Executives across organizations about how to hack their culture and improve their overall employee experience. One outcome has been the development of my ‘Four C’s’ that I believe highlight [...]

The 4 C’s that Should Define your Human Resource Department2018-01-24T23:59:10+00:00

Culture: More Than Just an HR Thing

“Company culture shapes every minute of the workday and every decision that is made.” – Taylor Smith, CEO & Cofounder of Blueboard   Welcome to the Culture Hacker Blog Series where I help organizations to reprogram their employee experiences for improved organizational culture. So, what is culture? I consider it the collective mindset and attitude [...]

Culture: More Than Just an HR Thing2021-02-04T21:50:59+00:00

Performance Empowerment – Unleashing the Power of the Team

For the past few weeks, we have been discussing employee enablement in our Culture Hacker blog series. But if you remember in the beginning of our discussion on performance, we mentioned its second important element – performance empowerment. Once they have enabled the team to perform at their best, managers need to get out of the [...]

Performance Empowerment – Unleashing the Power of the Team2018-12-03T01:47:01+00:00

Recognition: It’s Time to Stop the Meaningless & Mundane Awards Process

Welcome back to the Culture Hacker blog series. Today we will continue to discuss performance enablement. One of the most powerful opportunities that managers have in terms of enhancing performance and reinforcing company culture is the recognition program. Unfortunately, in many organizations, the program has little integrity and has become a mandated task where leaders [...]

Recognition: It’s Time to Stop the Meaningless & Mundane Awards Process2020-08-21T22:26:40+00:00

Performance Management Is Not Enough to Maximize Your Employees’ Talents

Welcome to the next installment in the Culture Hacker blog series. Please check out my previous blogs to learn more about the importance of reprogramming your company culture to improve and elevate the employee experience. Right from the start, I want to suggest that if all we are doing is managing performance, we are wasting the many [...]

Performance Management Is Not Enough to Maximize Your Employees’ Talents2016-06-09T18:22:52+00:00

Engage Your Team by Sharing the Score

Welcome back to the Culture Hacker blog series, which examines the cultural mechanisms that influence the mindset and attitude of your associates. If you haven’t read the previous blogs in this series, please check them out, because they establish a foundation and tell a story about what you as a leader should be focused on today. [...]

Engage Your Team by Sharing the Score2016-05-12T18:18:50+00:00

Why a Sink or Swim Onboarding Strategy Is a Waste of Talent – Part 2

Welcome back to the fifth blog in our Culture Hacker series. This blog continues the discussion about onboarding. By doing a better job in the first 60 days of a new employee’s career with you, you can stop wasting your investment in new people and their talent by keeping them longer. Last time we focused on day one – the [...]

Why a Sink or Swim Onboarding Strategy Is a Waste of Talent – Part 22016-04-13T18:12:28+00:00

Why a Sink or Swim Onboarding Strategy Is a Waste of Talent – Part 1

Welcome back to my fourth blog in our 2016 Culture Hacker series. Last month we discussed your selection strategy, so now let’s talk about on-boarding and orientation. I am very passionate about the importance of both of these topics, so I am going to split it into two blogs. In this first blog I am going [...]

Why a Sink or Swim Onboarding Strategy Is a Waste of Talent – Part 12016-03-31T18:06:08+00:00

Culture Hacking Is a Business Thing—Not Just an HR Thing

Creating a meaningful and effective culture is not just an HR thing—it is a business thing that every manager needs to be involved in. Welcome to my Culture Hacker blog series for 2016! Each month I’ll share more insights into how you as a manager or executive can elevate or reprogram your company code to [...]

Culture Hacking Is a Business Thing—Not Just an HR Thing2016-01-12T23:36:45+00:00


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