‘Tis the season (or close enough to it, at least), where everyone should take a moment to consider what they are most grateful for. We have done this simple exercise in our leadership coaching program, and it is always surprising how many managers are not aware of what their direct reports are most grateful for nor had recently considered this question for themselves. Life is full of challenges that, over a period of time, can erode on a person’s psyche and disposition, making it difficult to be creative, collaborative, or be a good leader to those you are responsible for. We talk a lot about this in our leadership program and teach a number of habits and routines to help managers remain positive. One of the best exercises is to take a moment to consider the three things you are most grateful for and then share it with the world. So, for the month of November, the team here at SGEi is taking a few moments to consider what they are most grateful for and sharing it. We hope you have been enjoying our thoughts throughout November.

The three things I am most grateful for is a happy and healthy family, the opportunity to flex my creative and entrepreneurial muscles, and the chance to inspire others to be at their best.

I think most would agree that family is important, and something we should never take for granted. While we always want more for our family, I have come to appreciate that happiness and health are the two most important factors for my family. I am so grateful when my wife and kids are feeling great and happy with life. That’s a reward in itself, and when they aren’t feeling 100%, I do whatever it takes to get them back to a happy and healthy state. Now, as you know, that doesn’t mean everything is perfect all the time, nor that there are not moments of frustration and concern. But when I can sit back and say, for the most part, I have a happy and healthy family, I think that is pretty cool, and something everyone should be grateful for.

I started my first business just over 20 years ago and have continued to explore different opportunities and ideas over the years. Those who know me understand that there have been many failures along the way, so this is definitely not about a big business success story. Yet, 20 years later, I am still my own boss and still able to invest time in opportunities as they come my way. Over the years, I have had the chance to host a television show, write a book that was published by a world-renowned company, live on and run a private island resort on the Great Barrier Reef, work with some of my favorite sports teams, have a front row seat to changing industries, and then get up on stage and be a part of that change. None of this would be possible without a supportive family, a strong operations team to run things while I am out playing, and an incredible network of business peers, coaches, and creatives who have helped along the way. I am so thankful for everyone who has helped me along my business journey and has afforded me the chance to try different things and constantly learn.

Since taking on my first managerial role 25 years ago at the Ritz Carlton Marina del Rey, to this day, I am thankful for the opportunity to help inspire people. I believe a leader inspires the hearts and minds of others to be their best, and I feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity over the years to do this. In various manager roles, I have tried to get others to be their best and believe in themselves. This style of management may have resulted in a little tough love, but everyone knows that if I believe in them, then it is with their best interests at heart. To inspire others, you must put in the effort and have a level of expertise that others respect. I have focused on developing experience and expertise for emerging customer experience brands, inspiring staff to deliver on that brand, and coaching other managers to be strong leaders. I am grateful that, beyond working with various teams, I have had a chance to inspire others through various media, like my book, Culture Hacker, on television, or in-person by leading a retreat, workshop, meeting, or being up on a stage in front of hundreds and even thousands of people. To be given these various opportunities is something I am thankful for and look forward to being able to do for the rest of my life.

So, those are my three things. I challenge you to take a moment to write down your own three things and be willing to share it with the world. Thanks for reading.