What are they Saying?
Shane Green has always been the go-to source for making company culture a strategic tool for success. With Culture Hacker, he opens up his playbook. A must read for anyone building a new or managing an existing company.
Shane provides proof of what I’ve said for years: ‘If you get the culture right, everything else in your business will be easier.’ Even better, he gives us specific actions to take along with unique and effective methods to implement. Read CULTURE HACKER for increased sales and profits.
Shane sets out the most critical principle of organisational success – that engaged employees equal engaged customers. This book is critical in reminding leaders of this imperative as, despite all the evidence that employee engagement delivers not only great customer service but wider success, few organisations are making it happen day to day. Shane sets out some simple principles and actions that any leader or organisation can benefit from – not just the retail or service world where the “happy employees equal happy customers” has long been a mantra. They apply to any organisation doing anything anywhere – delivering engagement through inspirational leadership must be the key objective for the successful 21st century leader.
Company culture, whether for a startup or a Fortune 500, is the most defensible and differentiating asset you can create. It defines your potential to innovate, grow, compete, and succeed. Shane offers a clear and concise roadmap for business leaders to design and deliver an employee experience that educates and engages people to strive to deliver exceptional service. It’s an important read.
Culture Hacker is a refreshing look at next gen HR and how to achieve a transformed work experience in your business with Shane’s visionary take on change for an agile and engaged workforce.
Shane Green’s book, ‘Culture Hacker’, speaks to and highlights the key component that is most critical to any organization; its culture. In a global economy, with ever changing factors constantly impacting the success and potential of any business, he provides insight and direction for the most crucial influencers to a firm’s culture – it’s staff. No organization, be it a bootstrapping start-up or an established successful firm can afford to ignore the valuable points he makes.
Culture trumps strategy. So yes, it matters a lot. And what is culture but a collection of habits? This exciting book draws on hard-won experience to offer smart, subtle and exact ways to make your organization a better place to work, and a place that works better.
Tackling a topic like this can be daunting. The author provides fresh ideas to concepts we’ve all encountered in the workplace. He inspires the reader to apply his methods to improve employee engagement and retention and expand upon the development of exceptional customer relations.
Shane Green understands at a deep level what moves employees and cultures to greatness. Culture Hacker will help leaders navigate the complexities of performance, engagement and brand in a values-based framework.
Shane has taken a familiar concept and made it impactful. There is a constant struggle as an employer between satisfied customers and satisfied employees. He shares the path to achieve both, and achieve growth. This book is a must read for anyone in a customer service-centric industry.
Culture Hacker takes a fresh look at what it means to truly create a wining corporate culture. While most books on this subject implore leaders to focus on the customer first, Shane turns this notion on its head and makes a compelling case on why leaders need to make creating satisfied employees the priority. Using inspiring business stories and his own personal experience, Shane’s Culture Hacker is sure to motivate leaders to rethink how a successful culture works.
Shane Green lays out an immutable truth in this smart, engaging book: when companies focus on workplace culture, the positive effects ripple outward, benefiting not just employees but customers and profits. Read this book if you want a practical guide to getting those results for your organization.
Know your culture and unleash its power. That’s the lesson that Shane Green conveys in his powerful new book Culture Hacker. Not only practical, but a good read, too.
I LOVE THIS BOOK! If you want your company to do more good in the world, READ THIS BOOK!
Learn more about Shane’s program Culture Hacker:
Shane has developed a reputation as one of the world’s premier culture hackers based on his ability to understand and reprogram outdated thinking, mindsets, values and beliefs, which define the environment in which people work. His experience in hospitality, automotive, retail and professional sports has led to significant customer experience transformations that are emulated around the world.
What are they Saying?
“Shane Green has always been the go-to source for making company culture a strategic tool for success. With Culture Hacker, he opens up his playbook. A must read for anyone building a new or managing an existing company.”
Founder and CEO of A Life is Beautiful and A Beautiful Perspective
“Shane provides proof of what I’ve said for years: ‘If you get the culture right, everything else in your business will be easier.’ Even better, he gives us specific actions to take along with unique and effective methods to implement.”
Amazon Bestselling Author of The Sales Playbook: for Hyper Sales Growth
“Shane sets out the most critical principle of organisational success – that engaged employees equal engaged customers. This book is critical in reminding leaders of this imperative as, despite all the evidence…”
Professor and Author of Effective Delegation and Lead to Succeed
“Company culture, whether for a startup or a Fortune 500, is the most defensible and differentiating asset you can create. It defines your potential to innovate, grow, compete, and succeed. Shane offers a clear and concise roadmap for…”
CEO of Netpulse