Performance Management

Performance Reviews: Why the Traditional Approach is Not Effective

Let’s discuss those dreaded and mostly ineffective performance reviews. In the last blog, I discussed the importance of informal feedback and how regular, casual conversations on what an employee does well or could improve upon are critical to improving performance and the overall mindset of your team. In addition, without consistent informal feedback, any formal [...]

Performance Reviews: Why the Traditional Approach is Not Effective2018-03-20T01:00:03+00:00

Having Tough Conversations and Making Tough Decisions

Welcome back to our Culture Hacker series of blogs. Today I want to talk about the importance of managers having tough conversations and making tough decisions. When it comes to a healthy and positive work culture, poor performers, especially those that do not support the company values and are not good team players, cannot be [...]

Having Tough Conversations and Making Tough Decisions2020-07-16T00:56:25+00:00

Performance Reviews – Making the Most of Those Dreaded Formal Conversations

Let’s discuss those dreaded – and mostly ineffective – performance reviews. In our one of our Culture Hacker blogs, I talked about the importance of informal feedback and how without regular, casual conversations on what an employee does well or could improve upon, then any formal feedback – like performance reviews – will miss out on [...]

Performance Reviews – Making the Most of Those Dreaded Formal Conversations2021-02-04T22:28:27+00:00

Performance Management: Enabling and Empowering Your Team to Do Their Jobs Right

Today, I want to talk about performance enablement and empowerment, though traditionally the conversation would be around performance management. I believe we need to stop managing performance because just from the definition of management, which is about “controlling and making decisions”, we are hindering our efforts to maximize performance. So, instead, think about performance enablement [...]

Performance Management: Enabling and Empowering Your Team to Do Their Jobs Right2021-02-04T22:14:18+00:00

Feedback – the Most Misunderstood and Poorly Executed Leadership Task

The Culture Hacker blog series continues this week discussing the critical role of feedback in performance enablement. Last week I talked about the importance of enabling your staff, with a focus on providing them with the right training, tools, and information. Enabling your staff also requires consistent and constant feedback, which is our topic of discussion today. [...]

Feedback – the Most Misunderstood and Poorly Executed Leadership Task2016-06-23T18:44:34+00:00

Performance Management Is Not Enough to Maximize Your Employees’ Talents

Welcome to the next installment in the Culture Hacker blog series. Please check out my previous blogs to learn more about the importance of reprogramming your company culture to improve and elevate the employee experience. Right from the start, I want to suggest that if all we are doing is managing performance, we are wasting the many [...]

Performance Management Is Not Enough to Maximize Your Employees’ Talents2016-06-09T18:22:52+00:00
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