Performance Development

One of the Most Powerful Tools for Enhancing Your Team’s Mindset and Attitude

Today, I want to talk about recognition. In previous blogs, we have analyzed how many aspects of formal feedback lack credibility and meaning because employees do not receive informal feedback or regular, casual conversations regarding their performance. Unfortunately, most recognition programs are equally ineffective; however, recognition is one of your most powerful mechanisms to reinforce [...]

One of the Most Powerful Tools for Enhancing Your Team’s Mindset and Attitude2018-04-24T01:00:27+00:00

Utilize Consistent Coaching for Enhanced Performance

Welcome back to the Culture Hacker blog series. Today, I want to talk about coaching, and more specifically, providing feedback. Feedback, by definition, is a process by which information is given to a person about the outcome of an action, process, or activity. Feedback plays a critical role in developing, retaining, and inspiring your employees. [...]

Utilize Consistent Coaching for Enhanced Performance2021-02-04T22:20:16+00:00

Engaging Your Employees by Focusing on Their Career Development

Today we are going to talk about career development, the thing most employees want and need to talk about, but few organizations and managers seem to make a priority. Many organizations and executives understand the importance of career planning, but don’t designate resources or take time to help plan a future for their staff, especially [...]

Engaging Your Employees by Focusing on Their Career Development2021-02-04T22:32:10+00:00

The Millennial Manager: The Present and the Future

We have all read and heard abut the challenges that Millennials present the business world today. While I have experienced and recognized some of those challenges firsthand, I think we need to stop making such a big deal about them. This new workforce knows it has leverage, because we keep writing and speaking about it. [...]

The Millennial Manager: The Present and the Future2016-12-08T16:44:10+00:00

Performance Management Is Not Enough to Maximize Your Employees’ Talents

Welcome to the next installment in the Culture Hacker blog series. Please check out my previous blogs to learn more about the importance of reprogramming your company culture to improve and elevate the employee experience. Right from the start, I want to suggest that if all we are doing is managing performance, we are wasting the many [...]

Performance Management Is Not Enough to Maximize Your Employees’ Talents2016-06-09T18:22:52+00:00
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